Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gold series 5 haunted mine

finally back at the normal 20 didnt like it last year the choices sucked minus one or two cards
this year will it rise up to be better or will it epic fail
 the answer neither o. o

 it falls in the middle lets look at the selling points
1 gold ghost ooooo super shiny
the golds are as follows
ghost gold are

blue eyes - ya rly ?
naturia barkidon - good
gorz - another reprint ok
hearld of perfection - wtf
mystical space typhoon - cool
solemn judgment - good

normal golds are as follows
 grapha - -_-
 hyperion - i thought this deck was dead o, o
fabled grimo - a little to late
number 39 utopia - AGAIN O. O RAGE FACE
call of the haunted - nice
brionac - about dam time but also pretty late
formula synchron - were is quasar to go with this?
Naturia Beast - good for sams but were is shi en
karakuri steel shougun mdl oox bureido - should have been the other one

Sephylon, the Ultimate Time Lord - fairys much
this set could have been better fail  2/5

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